Total Cegel
10,664,293,437 27 July 2024 15:35


Extra Service's Operational Time:

07.00 WIB - 22.00 WIB


Move Character to another ID

  • Both IDs must be in offline state
  • Remember your Email and Pin number 

Add Friend GM | Paris, then create a multichat between GM Paris, buyer, and seller


Confirm your detail:

Email: (to GM | Paris via private chat)

Nickname :

New ID: (to GM | Paris via private chat)


Fee: IDR 100.000. Please transfer to QRIS and confirm to GM | Paris


Restore Equipment & Pet

Works within 24 hours after pet/equipment lost

  • Reason: refine without protection/sold to npc/feed to pet/accidentally dropped and removed from server/pet dies
  • Item/pet will be restored as the last state, loss due to refine will be reverted to +7

Confirm your detail :

  • Nickname :
  • ID :
  • Date/Time of ocassion :
  • Item/Pet :
  • Options:

Pet Rare: 100k

Black Dragon Egg/Mandragora/Kitsune All Stages = 300k

Any Normal Items/Item Mall (ex: Blessed Pink Diamond, Reset Status Scroll, Stackable Ruby of any number, etc): 20k

Armor/Weapon/Accessory Low Tier: 50k

Armor/Weapon/Accessory High Tier (Including Marquee, Duke, Dragon Bracelet and Complete, Perfect, Superior Necklace): 200k

Permanent Skin of any levels: 150k


Please transfer to QRIS and confirm to GM | Paris

Please be aware that Restoration Fee may change due to market place and server condition.


Change Nickname (1-3 Alphabet and Capital letter(s))

ID must be in offline state

Screenshot your couple days

Format :

  • Current Nickname:
  • New Nickname :
  • Couple's Nickname + Couple Days : (Screenshot)

Fee :
1 letter: IDR 350.000 (limited to 26 alphabets)
2 letters or more + capital letter(s): 200k

Please transfer to QRIS and confirm to GM | Paris


Skin Transfer (Cross Job)

Transfer Skin to other Character - Permanent Weapon/Accessory/Whole Skin Level 1-3: 200k

Transfer Skin to other Character - Permanent Weapon/Accessory/Whole Skin Level 4-5: 500k


Switch Skin

Accessory: 250k or 1 Switch Skin Ticket

Weapon Skin: 50k or 1 Switch Skin Ticket

Whole Upgradeable Permanent Costume: 500k


Instant Character Removal

Fee: 20k


Middle Man

Create a multichat (Seller, Buyer, and GM | Paris )

Confirm your detail :

  • Nama Item and + (refine) / cegel :
  • Opt :
  • Price (Without fee) :
  • Fee by :
  • Seller's account number (bank) :

Fee category:

- IDR < 1.489.000 : 20.000

- IDR 1.489.001 - 4.890.000 : 50.000

- IDR > 4.890.000 : 100.000

Please transfer to QRIS and confirm to GM | Paris. Money will be transferred to the Seller when the transaction is done.

Member Panel
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Best Guild


50 Point
Top Guild War Kill


122 Kill Point